
Update my contact information

It's important that we can reach you if you're identified as a lifesaving matching donor, so please keep us updated with any changes to your personal details.
  1. Your personal information
    • This information helps us identify you in our database.
  2. Your previous address
  3. Your current address
    • Please add your current address below.
  4. Contact information
    • Phone number verification

      To verify your phone number we will send you a text message containing a six digit verification code. Please enter the code you received on your mobile phone into the verification code field below.

      A verification code has been sent to your mobile phone. Please check your text messages.

      There was a problem sending the verification code to your mobile phone. Please check your phone number and retry.

  5. Valid as of
  6. Your data protection
    • DKMS-BMST India is committed to safeguarding your personal information. Whenever you provide personal information, we are legally obliged to use your information in line with all laws concerning the protection of personal information.
* Mandatory Fields